
If you find that Kanji alive doesn’t work as expected or doesn’t appear correctly, please check whether you are using the most recent version of your web browser. Kanji alive has been extensively tested on the current versions of web browsers on Windows, OS X or Linux (e.g. Chrome v53, FireFox v49, Microsoft Edge v14, and Safari v10, or newer).

Note: Windows XP users only: Please first install Meiryo (a free, high-quality Japanese font from Microsoft) and then use the latest version of Google Chrome or Mozilla FireFox. Kanji alive is not compatible with any version of Internet Explorer on Windows XP.

Note: Please review the Tips for Using Kanji alive section of the User Guide for suggestions on how to get the most out of Kanji alive on laptops with small displays or on desktop computers with very large monitors.

If you are still have problems using Kanji alive and the issue does not appear in the list below, please don’t hesitate to email us at and we will do our best to assist you.

Known Issues in Kanji alive

Please see the current list of known issues (and new feature requests) on GitHub


v2.02. (December 19th, 2016)

  • Fixed a problem where the wrong radical animation appeared alongside some radical variants.

v2.0.1 (October 18th, 2016)

  • Added better support for mobile devices, in particular tablets
  • Improved the appearance of Japanese text

v2.0.0 (October 9th, 2016)

  • Added support for all radicals and variants in the search results
  • Added support for searching kanji by radical position (rpos:) in hiragana and romaji, and viewing a symbol representing the radical’s position in the kanji for the most important radicals
  • Added support for four new typefaces: Tensho, Gyosho, Kanteiryu, and Suzumushi
  • Added ‘search for kanji by textbook’ support for TOBIRA: Gateway to Advanced Japanese Learning Through Content and Multimedia, and for Vol. 1, 4th ed. of Adventures in Japanese.
  • Added support for sharing searches and kanji details with others by copying the web address
  • Added support for a free, public API to Kanji alive for developers on Mashape
  • Released the source code of the Kanji alive web application on GitHub
  • Improved the user interface and added more keyboard shortcuts
  • Corrected miscellaneous typos and errors

v.1.0.6 (April 21, 2014)

  • Added searching by textbook support for TOBIRA: Gateway to Advanced Japanese Learning Through Content and Multimedia, by Mayumi Oka (et al), Kurosko Publishing (2009).

v.1.0.5 (April 8, 2014)

  • Minor fixes.

v.1.0.4 (March 9, 2014)

  • Minor fixes.

v.1.0.3 (Dec. 17, 2013)

  • Added searching by textbook support for Intermediate Kanji Book Vol.1, Chieko Kano, Yuri Shimizu, Eriko Ishii, Hiroko Takenaka, Bonjinsha.

v.1.0.2 (Nov. 3, 2013)

  • Enabled caching of web fonts in the browser

v.1.0.1 (Oct. 28, 2013)

  • Added welcome message and Kanji alive logo
  • Enabled improved, anti-aliased text in Safari, Chrome and FireFox (OSX only) for kanji search results, certain headers, and Japanese examples
  • Enabled caching of images, sounds and animations in the browser
  • Various minor user-interface improvements

v1.0.0 (Oct. 15, 2013)

  • Initial release

3 thoughts on “Troubleshooting

    1. Arno Bosse

      Hi Izumi,

      It is somewhat possible, but currently not in a user friendly manner. Here’s how you can still do it. Let’s say you want to copy all the kanji from a search for the Onyomi “sou”. First carry out the search (on:sou) and then, in the initial search results sorted by kanji stroke number, click and drag downwards from the number of kanji on the top left (“23” in this case) to the bottom right of the block of kanji in the results. This will highlight the following text which you can then copy and paste elsewhere:


      We were aware of the problem – it’s on our todo list – but it hadn’t been added to the “Known Issues” list. I’ll do that now. Thank you for bringing it to our attention.

      1. Arno Bosse

        I forgot to add, If you only want to copy the current target kanji, as a workaround you can copy it in the detail view from the Luminous Dictionary field.


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